
Miss Congeniality I & II

This movie has always been and will always be on my top 10 list.

Can I say that Sandra Bullock was at her highest peak at that time?
She is absolutely FABULOUS...and armed. So, be careful.


Maid In Manhattan

This movie is certainly one of Jlo's best. All actors were well chosen. Well~ You can't really go wrong with one-of-Hollywood's-most-charming-actors...Ralph Fiennes. *melting*

Other than that, I loved the story. Very unusual and unrealistic, but definitely romantic enough to make innocent women dream.

+++ I do love Jennifer Lopez (now), but you have got to admit that Natasha Richardson was way more attractive back then.

Look at the purse!!!

OMG! Just noticed that I have the same penguin plush at home. LOL

Siiigh!!! Still can't believe Natasha Richardson passed away. ~^_^~

Parent Trap (1998)

In your face!  (To whom I had this discussion, can't remember) I told you it wasn't the Olsen's, but Lindsay Lohan playing both twins. Mwahahahah!!!!

Lindsay Lohan was actually once talented. Orz

Wouldn't it be so amazing to have such good looking AND rich parents?

Love. Natasha Richardson. Still can't believe she died while taking a ski lesson (not actually skiing on a mountain), here in Quebec, Canada. Tssssssk. No wonder why people prefer going to the States instead of Canada. Sound safer.