Choose your label -- Different labels are given to every blog posts to help you refine your reading preferences. Aren't we nice, huh?!? Anyway, we think we are. ^_^
# and A-Z: Classified according to the movie's or drama's title...# sign represents numbers and any titles in foreign languages.
Best proposal: Romantic men (sometimes women) will think of many different ways to give a promising moment and future to their loved one.
Stupid death: The century's most awesome person gets killed by an insignificant one or die in a Guinness World Record's stupidest way you want to rip your heart out for watching.
Thumbs up: Movies and series we love in general...not taking into account what we point out in the post.
Thumbs down: Movies and series we dislike in general...not taking into account what we point out in the post.
PS. We wanted to put more, but for the sake of simpleness, we are to keep it that way...4 labels. (Everyone can count to four, right?)